Academy celebrates key appointments of latest graduates

The UK’s first hands-on marketing academy is celebrating the achievements of two graduates as they begin their careers with respected local businesses.

Melissa Moore, 23, Preston, and Ellena Franklin, 22, Loughborough, both graduates of Agent Academy CIC’s first programme, have secured permenant roles with businesses as a result of their experience with the marketing academy.

Melissa joins popular Liverpool radio station, Juice FM, as a member of its commericial support team, while Ellena settles at digital agency, Rippleffect, as a sales and marketing executive.

The young professionals and their Agent Academy cohort developed their raw talent through hands-on engagement and project-based learning. Students also interacted with influential figures from across the city region to benefit their understanding of the marketing industry during the 12-week programme.

Melissa Moore, commercial support executive at Juice FM, said:

“Agent Academy has offered me so many opportunities and opened the door to an industry that I always dreamed of joining.

“The contacts and marketing experience that I gained on the programme were invaluable and contributed to me securing my new career.

“For anyone looking to learn more about marketing whilst working with a real client, I can wholeheartedly recommend the academy!”

Ellie Franklin, sales and marketing executive at Rippleffect, added:

“Agent Academy was a chance for me to understand and explore the fundamentals of marketing; not through academic theory but in an enjoyable, vibrant working environment. I was also fortunate to share this experience with nine amazing young people  – we still keep in touch and support each other.”

Agent Academy CIC is now approaching the end of its second programme and has recently been shortlisted for a national award; Business in the Community’s ‘Inspiring Young Talent’ sponsored by Jaguar Land Rover.

With its third cohort set to begin in September 2015, Agent Academy CIC is now reaching out to young people aged 16-25 from across Liverpool, to unlock their potential at its Baltic Triangle headquarters.

Director of Agent Academy CIC, Paul Corcoran, said:

“My team and I are delighted for Melissa and Ellie, their appointments are of course a testament to their own quailities, but also reference the hard work invested into Agent Academy CIC by its contributors, partners and the business leaders that helped shape their learning.

“Agent Academy is bridging the gap between traditional academia and the skills required for today’s workplace and has provided these talented young people with the insight to excel in their respective roles.

“As the academy is fully-funded by investment coming from Agent Marketing, we’re putting our money where our mouth is to ensure that young talent is nurtured, encouraged and remains in the city.”

Agent Academy CIC is the first of its kind in Liverpool and, indeed, the country. The programme, will run up to four times per year and is social enterprise for 16-25 year olds.

To find out more please visit, email or head to Twitter and follow @Agent_Academy.

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