Developer Elliot Group has been granted planning permission under delegated powers for a change of use at the mixed-use development which it bought in January. Tony McDonough reports

Vacant offices at Liverpool’s Beetham Plaza will be converted to eight apartments, with a new ground floor lobby and residents’ gym.
Developer Elliot Group has been granted planning permission under delegated powers for a change of use at the mixed-use Beetham Plaza development which it bought in January.
Elliot has a separate plan to create a boutique hotel at Beetham Plaza but is holding off submitting a planning application as it awaits a report from Historic England on the ‘bucket fountain’ art installation which is part of the site.
The developer has offered to pay to relocate the installation to a more prominent site in the city but there have been a number of local objections. Historic England is considering whether the structure should be listed as being of ‘special merit’.
This latest project will see the creation of the residential units as well as the construction of a ground floor commercial unit adjacent to the popular Silk Road restaurant. The new unit has been granted permission for retail, bar or restaurant uses.
“This is part of our proactive asset management programme that aims to restore the development to its position as a flagship mixed-use scheme in Liverpool’s business district,” said Elliot Lawless, founder of Elliot Group.
The proposals were drawn up by the Liverpool studio of Falconer Chester Hall with Zerum acting as planning consultant. Mr Lawless says he aims to start work in the first quarter of 2020.
Beetham Plaza was a trailblazing development in the late 1990s and its 42 apartments have continued to hold their value since. The scheme currently includes two popular restaurants, Silk Road and Etsu.