Birkenhead specialist SeaKing delivers upgrade of French ferries

package of work was delivered by Birkenhead-based SeaKing to short ferries including MS Dunkerque Seaways, MS Dover Seaways and MS Delft Seaways. Tony McDonough reports

MS Dover Seaways, a ferry operated by Danish shipping company DFDS


Wirral specialist maritime contractor SeaKing Electrical has completed a series of upgrades to three DFDS ferries at Damen Dunkerque Shipyard in France.

The package of work was delivered by Birkenhead-based SeaKing to short ferries including MS Dunkerque Seaways, MS Dover Seaways and MS Delft Seaways operated by Danish shipping company DFDS, in a total of 30 days.

SeaKing managing director Dave Gillam said the project follows work delivered in autumn 2018 to the passenger and car ferries which operate in the English Channel between Dover and Dunkerque.

Each vessel’s 10-day drydocking saw an intense period of planned upgrade work to deck 6 restaurant areas,” said Mr Gillam. “A key element included an overhaul to lighting, and the removal of electrical apparatus in order to install four new Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) so that each engine has its own dedicated UPS.

“The UPS differs from auxiliary or emergency power systems or standby generators in that they provide near instantaneous protection from input power interruptions, by supplying energy stored in batteries.

“The UPS were installed in the Transformer Room which is a challenging area to operate due to space restraints and multiple enclosed sections aft of the main engine room. The team also fitted four ABB HMI (Human Machine Interface) systems in the Motor Control Room.

“This latest upgrade for DFDS Seaways follows a four-week project delivered in autumn last year which saw a 10-man team delivering electrical upgrades to entertainment systems in 80 cabins and the fitting of VDSs (Variable Speed Drives) to car deck vent fans. 

SeaKing works in shipyards across the UK, Europe, Asia, America and Caribbean covering many segments of the marine sector. Since setting up 2001 it has developed a strong track record supporting high-profile military contracts, including work on both Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, and a series of Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels.

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