Blue Air touches down at Liverpool John Lennon Airport

The Romanian airline Blue Air has made it’s maiden flight to Liverpool as part of a long-term link between the city and Bucharest.

Blue Air will operate flights to Bucharest five times a week from Liverpool John Lennon Airport, making it the only direct service between the Romanian capital and the North West region.

A celebratory event saw a Blue Air plane “christened” in arcing spray from LJLA’s emergency response service vehicles, marking the first arrival of a Blue Air plane to the city.

Chief executive of Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Andrew Cornish, said:

“Today’s celebrations here at the Airport are hopefully just the start of a great relationship between Blue Air and ourselves.

“It’s also good that business and tourism stakeholders from across the region attended to welcome Blue Air to Liverpool and demonstrate to the airline the region’s support for this new route.”

Tudor Constantinescu, chief commercial officer at Blue Air, added:

“We are particularly happy to see our new route starting today as fruit of a joint collaboration with Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Shortening the travel time from Liverpool to Bucharest and later to Bacau creates in our view the premises of future economic, social and cultural cooperation and development to the benefit of both regions.”


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Words: Peter Cribley

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