Change your finances and future on free course

Liverpool social enterprise The Women’s Organisation is offering free course enabling women to take charge of their finances and futures. Jennie Lewis reports

Germaine Fryer, front centre, and the engagement team at The Women’s Organisation


A free course that will offer women the tools  they need to “take charge of their finances and their futures” is being run by The Women’s Organisation in Liverpool.

Starting on Monday, November 29, the Women’s Power Programme aims to give local women the tips and tools they need to “interrupt negative-thinking cycles” and take back control.

This programme has been designed to help women improve their confidence, become more assertive and raise their aspirations after what has been a disproportionately tough period.

Comprising three sessions over three week, and delivered in a small group setting at The Women’s Organisation headquarters at 54 St James Street, close to Liverpool city centre.

The course will cover everything from talking about and tackling your mental health, becoming more resilient, and practising positive self-talk and reflection; to more efficient money management and practical but purposeful goal setting.

It is open to women living in the Liverpool city region who are currently out of work and looking to plan a more positive and purposeful future.

Head of engagement and marketing at The Women’s Organisation, Germaine Fryer, said: “It’s no secret that 2022 has not been a year that has been kind to women – in either a personal or professional sense.

“The cost-of-living crisis has been catastrophic for women, who are already, let’s not forget, dealing with the disproportionate fallout from the pandemic.

“This is the last Women’s Power Programme of 2022. We want to reach out to as many women as we can to offer them the opportunity to, with our help, make 2023 a far more positive and prosperous year.”

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One previous attendee said of the programme: “The course not only inspired our dreams, but also united us as women. And a safe environment was created where we were allowed to express ourselves, our life journeys and experiences with the utmost confidentiality.

“The course was really empowering and encouraging. For some women – single mothers like myself, who have lost our way due to child rearing and placing our children first at the time – the course provided the courage to look within myself to discover talents and skills that have lay dormant for years.”

For more information or to register your place or call the team at The Women’s Organisation on 0151 797 8111.

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