Digital firms invited to ‘Sefton Huddle’

Digital, creative and tech businesses in Sefton are being invited to the first event of a new sector networking group. Tony McDonough reports

Digital and creative firms in Sefton are being invited to the first ‘Sefton Huddle’


A new networking group for digital, creative and tech businesses in Sefton will hold its first event later this month.

On Thursday, February 23, the first ‘Sefton Huddle’, at Southport and Birkdale Sports Club. It has come about after InvestSefton consulted local businesses in the sector. Networking was top of their wanted list.

Lasting from 10.30am until 1pm the first Sefton Huddle will include opportunities for networking.

There will also be an InvestSefton-led discussion which includes an update on Southport’s Enterprise Arcade, the new £1.5m hub for digital businesses and entrepreneurs, which has secured planning approval.

Cllr Marion Atkinson, Cabinet Member for Skills and Regeneration at Sefton Council said: “Our InvestSefton Team wanted to find out the best way they could provide support for digital, creative and tech companies in the borough.

READ MORE: Could Southport become a digital hot-spot?

“They told us they wanted a facilitated networking group with topics chosen and led by the group’s members. This first ‘Sefton Huddle’, later this month is a result of the feedback received.”

InvestSefton is Sefton Council’s enterprise, business support and inward investment service. Tt offers free information and advice and access to a wide range of services and is there to help any business, of any size, in any sector.

To book a place at the event call Dom or Sharon on 0151 934 3452 or email

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