dot-art founder makes waves on Radio 4

“There’s a disconnect in corporate art. It would be great if the big balance sheets at the top could start funding working artists at the other end.” Dan Damon, PM, Radio 4, 2nd July 2015.

dot-art founder Lucy Byrne was interviewed for Radio 4’s PM programme as part of a piece on the stark contrast between the top end of the corporate art market nationally and the work dot-art does with working artists in Liverpool; allowing businesses to commission, buy or rent original art, while supporting artists at the same time.

Journalist Dan Damon came to Liverpool and spent an afternoon with Lucy, visiting companies such as Bruntwood, Crystal Clear Skincare and JB Leitch, who have worked with dot-art to include art in the workplace; and meeting artists Gary Beach and Joe Thompson in their studios, discussing how producing and supplying work for corporate clients helps them support their practice and make a living as a creative.

Listen to the interview here:

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