Fletchers executive is new chair of Southport BID

Southport BID unveils Dan Taylor, an executive at the town’s biggest private sector employer Fletchers Group, as its new chair. Tony McDonough reports

Dan Taylor, director of integration at law firm Fletcher’s Group and chair of Southport BID


Dan Taylor is the new chair at Southport BID and has vowed to use his business experience and expertise to help local firms “survive and thrive”.

An accountant by profession, Liverpool-born Dan has been at law firm Fletcher’s Group for 27 years. He has seen the business grow from a team of around 30 people to one that now has a headcount of around 650.

Dan initially worked for a number of accountancy firms in Liverpool, including Deloitte, and supported entrepreneurs, small businesses and sole traders. He then joined the finance department at Fletchers.

He has seen the firm grow significantly, has spent time as finance director, tech director, had two spells as operations director and is currently director of integration. This is a key role following a takeover of Fletchers by US-based private equity outfit Sun European Partners in 2021.

“Since the takeover Fletchers now has the resources to pursue mergers and acquisitions,” said Dan. “Integrating an external business can be a complex process and it is my job to ensure it happens as smoothly as possible.”

In 2019, Rachel Fitzgerald took over as chief executive of Southport BID. The BID is funded by a levy paid by businesses in the town. Its role is to promote Southport as a both a visitor and investment destination and to enhance its public realm.

Rachel’s has made it her mission to highlight the business diversity of the town. Known nationally as a seaside tourist destination, Southport is also home to world class manufacturers and digital firms.

Fletchers itself is one of the leading personal injury law firms in the UK. It is Southport’s biggest private sector employer.

Dan’s elevation to chair, to fill the role which was carried out to great effect by Suzanna Porter, is an indication the BID is keen to highlight the breadth of the town’s business offer. Dan has sat on the board for more than a year and has acted as treasurer.

He told LBN: “27 years ago I joined a grassroots business that is now a big player on the national stage. We are a business with ambitious growth plans. I have gained significant experience across multiple roles and I am keen to utilise that experience to help businesses in Southport survive and thrive.

“During my career I have worked with everyone from sole traders right up to multinational corporations. While in many ways they are very different there are challenges common to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

“Since COVID we have seen the pace of business change accelerate. This is particularly true for high street businesses in towns such as Southport.

“We have some great strengths in this town. Encouraged by the Town Deal funding that is coming into Southport we are seeing entrepreneurs doing some fantastic things with their own money.

“I am very optimistic for the future of Southport. However, things won’t happen overnight. We have to support local firms through the economic turmoil of the next 12 to 18 months and help them survive. Part of that will be managing expectations.”


Southport BID chief executive Rachel Fitzgerald. Picture by Gareth Jones


Dan also believes building connections beyond the town will also be critical to the future growth and prosperity of Southport. He explained: “We have to make sure we work even more closely with Sefton Council and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

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“At the BID we already have excellent relations with them but we need to make sure we maintain and grow those relationships. We have to have synchronicity with them if we are to achieve our goals and grow our economy.

“I do believe the Town Deal will prove to be a great catalyst for investment and will be crucial in helping us achieve our long-term goals. And we also need to support our businesses in their more immediate and short-term challenges. It is so important that we listen to businesses.

“It is an honour and a privilege to be asked to be chair of the BID. Southport has given me my career, it is where I met my wife and is where I have made my home and brought up my kids.

“I want other people in the town to be able to have those same opportunities by supporting our amazing business community and helping them to grow during testing times.”

Rachel Fitzgerald added: “We are delighted to welcome Dan as the new chair of Southport BID. Here in Southport we have a business community that extends far beyond just the visitor economy that we are famous for.

“Southport has enormous strengths across a number of different sectors. Dan is a great representative of our thriving professional community and his knowledge, expertise, drive and passion for Southport make him a valuable asset to the BID and the whole town.

“His contribution as a member of the BID board has already been immense and I am excited he is joining our mission to help create a new and vibrant Southport.”

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