Liverpool digital marketing entrepreneur to launch series of podcast interviews

As founder of Verb Marketing, Dean and his team have generated millions of pounds in extra sales for his clients and will now conduct a series of interviews with high profile people. Tony McDonough reports

Dean Currall, founder and managing director of Liverpool city centre-based Verb Marketing

Dean Currall has established himself as one of Liverpool’s most successful entrepreneurs and now he is launching a series of podcasts that will offer a fascinating insight into the lives of other high achievers.

As founder of Verb Marketing, Dean and his team have generated millions of pounds in extra sales for his clients and, in the last few weeks, has revealed a pipeline of new contracts worth around £500,000.

Now he has converted a floor above their city centre office into a studio from where he will record a series of videoed interviews with other entrepreneurs and high-profile figures from across the city region.

Dean remains tight-lipped on who he has lined up for the podcasts but says a number of well-known individuals from the business world have agreed to take part.

He said: “We are looking to avoid the bog-standard ‘tell us the secrets of your success’ type interviews. We want to get beyond the cliches and the platitudes the find out about the people themselves.

“These are going to be real conversations that won’t be restricted by any topic. They will be free to veer off in any number of directions. One question I love to ask business people, for example, is ‘what are your pet hates – what are the things in your business life that really get on your nerves?”

The podcasts will be posted online on a regular basis and Dean hopes those watching will find them compelling viewing.

“There won’t be any staged or scripted interviews. The aim isn’t to make people look good, it’s all about showing them, and me, in as realistic a light as possible,” he added.

Dean has his own strong views about the digital marketing sector in which he operates and believes too many of his rivals are just “talking shops” who will focus on the “vanity side of digital marketing” such as website hits. He explained: “What we understand is that all businesses, whether they are a firm of solicitors or a major manufacturer, want to make money.”

Dean started Verb in his bedroom in Liverpool less than five years ago and says that in that time he has generated extra sales for his clients of almost £25m.

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