Mersey businesses share Queen sorrow

Businesses in Liverpool city region share their sorrow at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II who died on September 8. Tony McDonough reports

Queen Elizabeth II who died on September 8, 2022


Queen Elizabeth II was “the rock of stability of our nation and we mourn her passing deeply”, said a statement from industry cluster body Mersey Maritime.

It was one of a number of Liverpool city region private sector voices expressing their sorrow at the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8. Mersey Maritime represents hundreds of businesses in Merseyside’s £4bn maritime sector.

It joined businesses such as brand marketing specialist Wild Thang and Liverpool developer Downing in paying tribute to the Queen. When she died aged 96 she was Britain’s longest-serving monarch.

The UK is now in a period of official mourning ahead of the Queen’s state funeral on Monday, September 19. In an official ceremony at the weekend, King Charles III was proclaimed as the new monarch.

In a statement, Mersey Maritime said: “Her Majesty dedicated her whole life to public service and fulfilled her duties with the most extraordinary and exemplary commitment to duty our country has seen.

“We will never see the likes of this again in our history. Before her accession and to mark her 21st birthday, Her Majesty made a BBC broadcast to the Empire during the Royal Tour of South Africa on April 21, 1947, during which she dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth.

Her own words best sum up what her life has meant and for which we are all so grateful: ‘I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.’

“Her Majesty had a close relationship with the sea and all aspects of service associated with it, be that through the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy or the wider maritime family which is at the heart of our island story.

“We are immensely thankful for her lifetime of faithful service.”

Just a few months ago staff at Bootle-based Wild Thang were busy producing a range of merchandise for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, celebrating her 70 years on the throne.

Wild Thang founder Andrew Dwerryhouse said: “Our sincerest condolences are with all members of the Royal Family at this incredibly sad time. I am a great admirer of our Queen and her commitment to simply try to make a difference in all our lives.

“It only seems like yesterday our team was celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. She stood for so much integrity because for over 70 years she served our people, country and Commonwealth with grace and selfless devotion.

“Sincere condolences from the whole of the Wild Thang team to all of the Royal Family.” 


Liverpool Mayor Joanne Anderson, Lord Mayor Cllr Gladden, High Sheriff Lesley Martin-Wright and Vice-Lord Lieutenant Robert Owen DL sign the book in remembrance for the Queen at Liverpool Town Hall


And Downing, which is overseeing multi-million pound property developments across the UK, also offered its reflections. Chief executive Sally O’Brien said: “As a business we share in the great sadness at her passing.

“We offer our sincere condolences to her family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II represented our country with a quiet dignity that shone through to people in all walks of life.

“Above all, it’s clear that she was not a vainglorious individual and let’s hope that the example she set, where duty and public service came before anything else, is a lasting legacy.”

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