Mersey social enterprise looking to take mental health training into schools

Fully accredited by Mental Health First Aid England, The Mind Map’s two-day course offers an opportunity for attendees to become qualified Mental Health First Aiders. Tony McDonough reports

Phil Bridges, founder of social enterprise The Mind Map


Liverpool based mental health social enterprise The Mind Map is looking to take its training course into schools backing by a crowdfunding campaign.

Fully accredited by Mental Health First Aid England, The Mind Map’s two-day course offers an opportunity for attendees to become qualified Mental Health First Aiders.

It equips them with the skills to confidently help the record levels of young people who are struggling due to issues including academic pressure, social media, bullying and poverty.

The Mind Map wants to use the money raised via the crowdfunder to set up bursaries that can be accessed by schools across the country.

Click here to contribute to the crowdfunder

Spot the signs

Founder Phil Bridges said: “With 50% of mental illnesses starting before age 14, we wish to train teachers and those working with young people in Mental Health First Aid so they can spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health, listen non-judgementally and signpost towards support.”

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged eight to 18. In becoming a Mental Health First Aider you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.

Set an example

MHFA also aims to give people the information and skills to look after their own mental health so that you can set an example for young people. By giving tools to have these conversations, Mental Health First Aiders can be empowered to create a mentally healthy, supportive environment in your family, school, peer group or community.

Mr Bridges added: “We wish to contribute to a culture where mental health has parity with physical health – where every young person has access to support if they need it.”

The Mind Map (launched on 13 March this year with an in conversation on mental health in football with Everton’s Leighton Baines. The website includes articles, videos, mindfulness, exercise and nutrition resources, plus signposting to mental health services.

The Mind Map is also working on a research project with Liverpool John Moores University into the perceptions and experiences of non-clinical mental health support currently available for UK students.

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