Morecrofts announces six new hires

Law firm Morecrofts announces six new hires spread across its Liverpool city region office network

Morecrofts clinical negligence and personal injury specialist Simon Murphy. Picture by Gareth Jones


Senior litigation hires are among six new arrivals at Liverpool city region law firm Morecrofts.

These six new additions across its property, litigation and family law teams include experienced clinical negligence and personal injury specialist Simon Murphy and senior litigation consultant Paul Barnes.

They are joined by two new paralegals, Elizabeth Rose Jeffrey and Joanne Smith, who arrive in the family and property law teams respectively, alongside litigation legal assistant Yvonne Barnes and trainee family law paralegal Louise Barwood.


Morecrofts senior litigation consultant Paul Barnes. Picture by Gareth Jones


Morecrofts has also awarded six new training contracts, with four commencing from October 2024, adding to the six trainees already at various stages of their training within the firm.

Alison Lobb, managing partner at Morecrofts, said: “This has been a period of consistent growth for our business, with an expansion in client numbers across a number of different departments.

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“We are pleased to have been able to reinforce the team with an excellent blend of new future talent alongside experienced lawyers such as Paul and Simon, who both bring significant expertise to our client services offer.”

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