Rebrand marks successful first year for Courtney Reed Group

Liverpool-based Courtney Reed Group has unveiled a new corporate brand following a period of rapid growth in the first year of business. The Old Hall Street firm offers bespoke recruitment solutions and a range of support for businesses who are looking to grow their turnover by winning more formal contracts.

The brand development work, started earlier this year, was undertaken to set out a vision for the future and support the business as it evolved beyond its original roots. The last 6 months have seen a doubling of turnover with new business developing organically and through referral. 

Elaine Courtney, Managing Partner, who heads up Recruitment said:

“Despite the ongoing skills shortages and economic uncertainty, our clients in Liverpool are feeling upbeat and proactively pursuing business growth goals, including contracts and recruitment. We are delighted to be seen as a partner in the plans of so and many and believe that it is due to our high-touch, affordable and nimble services.”

Stuart Reed, Managing Partner, who leads on Tender Services, added:

“These are such exciting times for Courtney Reed Group. Along with our core services, we also run a series of training events that are growing in popularity. The new brand now brings our services together under one masthead and creates a cohesive message for our audiences. We have ambitious revenue growth goals for the next three years, along with an apprentice scheme, and we will be looking to recruit more employees in throughout 2017; now was the clear time to invest in our communications strategy.”

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