Sci-Tech Daresbury to create hundreds of jobs in the North West

A new science and innovation campus, the Sci-Tech Darebury Enterprise Zone, aims to attract numerous high-tech tenants to the region.

The latest phase of growth for the Cheshire-based tech campus has seen the acquisition of more land next to its primary location, an expansion that is expected to create as many as 750 new jobs.

As one of the country’s most prolific Enterprise Zones, the campus is internationally regarded for the excellence of its research facilities. Home to one of the UK’s most powerful supercomputers, the flagship Enterprise Zone development Vanguard House is now at 68% capacity, with 13 high-tech companies in residence.

After having been awarded more than £3.5 mllion of EZ Capital grant funding, the latest phase will produce as much as 220,000 square feet of brand new office and laboratory space throughout five or six buildings. Site preparation work is set to start by 2015.

John Downes, chief executive at Langtree and director of the Sci-Tech Daresbury joint venture board said:

“The announcement of this latest phase of development marks a key stage in our plans.

“The campus is a key growth driver for the region and the fact we are proceeding with these ambitious site expansion plans and the speculative development of the office and laboratory complex speaks volumes for our commitment to Sci-Tech Daresbury and the demand for what we are proposing.

“Investment in Sci-Tech Daresbury is critical for the health of the North West’s economy. In order to compete in global markets we must ensure that we have the right base of facilities and an environment that supports the growth of businesses based on technology and innovation.”

John Womersley, chief executive of the Science and Technology Facilities Council, added:

“Today’s announcement is a welcome commitment to the long-term growth and success of the campus, and is of course excellent news to the strong pipeline of high-tech companies, from both within and outside of the region, looking to re-locate their businesses to Sci-Tech Daresbury.”

Local growth minister Kris Hopkinds confirmed:

“The Sci-Tech Daresbury Enterprise Zone is a real hotspot for science and technology. We are now investing an extra £3.5m to ensure the zone has the infrastructure it needs to bring even more businesses to the area and allow the zone to fulfill its ambition of creating 10,000 local jobs in the next 20 years.

“This is part of our long term economic plan to back business and enterprise right across the country, and it will help Daresbury to prosper and create more jobs for its hardworking people.”


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Words: Peter Cribley

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