Teachers brave the shave for Shannon

Teachers at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC sacrificed their beards to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust, a charity that the school has been closely involved with after one of their students endured a long and difficult struggle with cancer.

Just before Shannon Thompson was due to start chemotherapy, her friends at the Baltic Triangle school stepped forward and volunteered to shave their heads in a kind-hearted act of solidarity and support, whilst at the same time raising over £2,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust in the process.

Now teachers at the school have also got on board by having their beards shaved off in front of students by a team of barbers from Voodou, the popular Liverpool hair salon. They raised over £1000 on the morning, and donations continue to come in through their JustGiving page.

Shannon Thompson, student at the Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, said:

“Seeing so many staff and students coming together in honour of everything I’ve been through was just utterly overwhelming. There was so much energy and enthusiasm in the room while the teachers were having their beards shaved, with everyone laughing and reaching deep into their pockets to support the Teenage Cancer Trust.

“The past six months have been tough, there’s no denying that, but I’ve managed to remain upbeat and positive throughout it all. Being able to maintain this attitude has been invaluable, and really helped me through everything. It goes without saying that I couldn’t have kept my chin up so well if it wasn’t for my family, my friends at the UTC, and the ongoing support of the staff. Time and time again they’ve shown me that they are by my side.

“I’d also like to thank the Teenage Cancer Trust for being with me every step of the way. It’s wonderful that the staff and students at the school really care about giving something back after they helped me so much. This morning we did exactly that, and I’m just over the moon.”

Teenage Cancer Trust work with teenagers who are going through treatment, supporting them throughout their care. They work hard to help young people hold on to their identity and social life throughout the difficult journey through cancer.

Ian Parry, Vice Principal at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, said:

“Shannon’s attitude during her journey through cancer treatment has been inspiring. She remained positive throughout the entire process, and point blank refused to let her illness take away her personality, her optimism, and everything else that makes her who she is.

“I’m thrilled at how readily our students flocked to support her, and how they all agreed to shave their heads without any second thoughts. Inspired by that, myself and my bearded colleagues agreed to get together and follow in their footsteps.”

Liverpool Life Sciences UTC is a new concept in education for those aged 14-19. Working in partnership with universities, laboratories and hospitals in the North-west, they offer a full-time course of specialist study in science and health. To help them support Teenage Cancer Trust, visit their JustGiving page, or to find out more about the Liverpool Life Sciences UTC visit their website.

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