Urban design experts gather for waterfront regeneration event in Liverpool

Part of the Albert Dock InterPro175 lecture series, and organised on its behalf by Landscape Institute and Urban Design Group, the event at RIBA North featured a number of expert speakers

InterPro175, Albert Dock
Experts gathered at RIBA North for the waterfront regeneration event


Urban design specialists gathered at RIBA North in Liverpool for an event focused on the regeneration of waterfront environments.

Part of the Albert Dock InterPro175 lecture series, and organised on its behalf by Landscape Institute and Urban Design Group, the event featured a number of expert speakers.

InterPro175 seeks to celebrate Albert Dock as an exemplary heritage-led regeneration project, acknowledge the range of built environment professionals involved in its continuing success, look to the future and the lessons learnt, and examine a range of comparison projects.

The speakers were:

  • Pete Swift – partner, landscape architect and urban designer at Planit-IE; Ben Palmer – director and landscape architect at Optimised Environments (OPEN)
  • Peter Siöström – programme director at Sustainable Urban Design Master Program, Lund University, Sweden
  • Ashwin Karjatkar – part of the design team at Municipality of Gothenburg

Executive director at Turley and visiting professor at Liverpool University, Stephen Gleave, acted as chair for the event.

The latest event was the fourth in the series so far, part of Albert Dock 175 – a robust strategy that will assert the dock’s position as a world-class, leisure destination, counting up to a year of celebration in 2021 – 175 years since the Dock was officially opened by Prince Albert.

Sue Grindrod, chief executive of Gower Street Estates, freeholders of Albert Dock, said:  “The InterPro175 lecture series was set up to examine the regeneration of Albert Dock and highlight the significant impact it continues to have on the wider city region and internationally.

“It remains an important element of Albert Dock 175, never more so now as we enter a new and exciting chapter in the dock’s life where serious investment will dramatically transform the infrastructure of the dock making it fit for the visitors of tomorrow.”

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