Work commences on £80 million highways investment

Work begins today on the first phase of an £80 million investment in Liverpool’s roads and highways.

The first £1.4 million scheme will see work on the Walton corridor of the A59, which will be the first of many projects that over the next eight years will demonstrate the city’s commitment to reduce the £256 million backlog of road repairs.

The Walton corridor work will see resurfacing take place on the Walton Vale/Warbreck Moor stretch between Hornsby road and Park Lane, which means that there will be lane restrictions and temporary lights during the day but the work is expected to be completed in the next four months.

Walton Vale road surfaces have been the a source of concern in recent years due to its severely rutted carriageway leading to flooding, and 75% of Warbreck Moor has been recorded as defective.

The first element of the scheme will see diversions as stretches of the road closed mainly overnight from 7PM until 6AM for around six weeks.

The parts of the road affected by night time work are:

• Warbreck Ave to Windsor Road: 06/10/14 – 11/10/14
• Windsor Road to Orrell Park: 12/10/14 – 20/10/14
• Warbreck Ave to Sydney St (Longmoor Lane junction): 21/10/14 – 03/11/14
• Sydney Street to Caldy Road: 04/11/14 – 07/11/14
• A566 to Glenbank Close: 08/11/14 – 18/11/14
• Melling Road to Railway Bridge: 14/11/14 – 18/11/14
• Melling Road to Park Lane: 21/11/14 – 24/11/14

The following stretches will be affected by day time work:

• Caldy Road to Railway Bridge: 13/10/14 – 05/11/14
• Melling Road to Park Lane: 06/11/14 – 20/11/14

All dates are subject to slight change but the first phase should be completed by the end of November in time for the festive season.

This project will also include upgrades to traffic signals and minor footway works.

The second phase of work arounf the Hornby Road junction will commence in January 2015 and should be complete by March 2015.

Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, said:

“There has been a significant lack of investment in our road network for decades, largely due to a shortage of central government funding.

“I am constantly being told by people that the condition of our roads is something that they want tackling and so we are taking significant steps in putting that right.

“There are huge economic benefits of well-maintained, high-quality highways as they keep traffic flowing, keep vehicle running costs low, and by ensuring people and goods can move efficiently, make our city a more desirable place to live, work, visit and do business.

“This work will significantly reduce our highways maintenance backlog over the coming years, and as such, is an important component in the on-going regeneration and development of our city.”

Merseytravel and bus operators have all been consulted in order to reduce any disruption to public transport services during the work.

Other highways whose issues will be address between now and April 2015 as part of this initiative are:

• Islington and surrounding roads
• Smithdown Road (from Gainsborough Road to Queens Drive)
• Ullet Road (from Smithdown Road to Croxteth Gate)

Cabinet Member for Highways, Councillor Malcom Kennedy, said:

“This is the start of a programme of work which is hugely important for Liverpool.

“Our highways network has been in desperate need of investment for many years and the commitment we have made will make a big difference to tens of thousands of motorists and cyclists who use them.

“This investment will be welcomed by motorists who have demanded that something is done to improve the condition of our roads. We have listened, and we are taking action.”


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Words: Peter Cribley

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