Young writer and voter Kirsten Hawkins on why she believes Jeremy Corbyn can take Britain forward

Although behind in the main polls Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn enjoys phenomenal support among younger generations. Kirsten Hawkins writes for YBNews on why she will vote for him on Thursday

Jeremy Corbyn at a Liverpool rally in the summer of 2016

The other night my sister, who is 23, told me she loved Jeremy Corbyn … “I’m not in love with him, but he just wants what’s best for everybody”.

I felt exactly the same. I too love Jeremy Corbyn. The last person to have this effect on me was Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mocking Bird.

As well as inspiring hope of a world where everyone is doing okay, Corbyn makes me want to be a better person.

He doesn’t tolerate abusive name-calling in his rallies. Before I go on the offensive on Twitter to some obnoxious Tory, I ask myself: “What would Jezza do?” 

I am not the only one. There have been 2.3m new voter registrations since the election was called – and more than a million are aged 18 to 24.  

So why does he hold such an appeal for millennials? For too long, many people have been subjected to increased tuition fees, a 2.5% rise in VAT and cuts to public services.

Only this year, the Tories withdrew housing benefit for under-21s. Meanwhile, corporate tax evasion has been endemic and gone unchallenged.

For me, it is personal. In 2012, after returning from two years in Spain I experienced four-and-a-half months without full-time work.

I took a call centre position on a week-by-week contract. As a graduate, this wasn’t what I had in mind. “At least you have got a job,” was all the consolation available.

Kirsten Hawkins is backing Jeremy Corbyn in the General Election

Although superficially, employment rates show an upward trend, 16 to 24-year-olds make up a third of those on zero hours contracts.

Coupled with suffocating student debts, the difficulty in securing “strong and stable” jobs is ever more prevalent. A lack of career prospects makes it harder to attain a reasonable standard of living.

For seven years, austerity has been en vogue. It is a perverse form of mistaken middle-class masochism forced upon us. I wonder, when did the hard up become so sorry for the rich at the expense of their own welfare?

Jeremy resonates with younger members of society because he breathes life into a staid political arena that has alienated young people.

Labour offers a rewind button to a time you could believe in career prospects, a free university education, and when we thought the NHS would go on forever.

Jeremy Corbyn tells us that we had this all before, why can’t we have it all again? 

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