£40m deal will lead to 280 new Liverpool homes

Affordable housing provider to build 280 new energy efficient homes in Liverpool following £40m finance deal with NatWest. Tony McDonough reports

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South Liverpool Homes will build 280 new energy efficient homes


Housing association South Liverpool Homes (SLH) will build 280 new affordable homes in the city after securing £40m from Natwest.

SLH currently owns and manages around 3,800 homes in south Liverpool. Most of those properties are located in Speke and Garston. Now it wants to build a new generation of energy efficient homes over the next five years.

These properties will be for affordable rent (usually defined more than 80% of current market rate) and low-cost home ownership. SLH also wants to make energy improvements to its existing estate.

NatWest’s funding package has been designed to benefit the business for meeting sustainability targets. These include ensuring the environmental efficiency of new build properties and improving the housing association’s overall carbon footprint.

Mark Chambers, executive director of finance at SLH, said: “We’re delighted to have received this funding from NatWest. We are pleased they share our vision to support the local community by creating both affordable and energy efficient housing across Liverpool.

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“This deal will allow us to make significant progress against our sustainability objectives and help us build new homes to the highest level of efficiency as well as improve the efficiency of our existing homes.”

It will also allow SLH to continue its charitable activities including a selection of ongoing environmental and social initiatives. These include a local low-waste community shop and providing assistance and advice for tenants seeking employment.

Martin Skinner, director, housing finance at NatWest, added: “The amazing work that SLH is doing to create more affordable sustainable homes across the region is vitally important, particularly at this time.

“We are thrilled to be able to offer them a finance package that is closely linked to meeting sustainability targets.”

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