Applied Nutrition looks to ’reinvent’ energy drinks market

Products made by Merseyside-based Applied Nutrition can be found in hundreds of gyms and are exported to 70 countries and the business is now launching a new carbonated energy drink. Tony McDonough reports

ABE Carbonated boasts zero sugar, zero calories and zero carbohydrates


A leading Liverpool-based supplier of sports nutrition products is aiming to “reinvent” the energy drink market.

Applied Nutrition, owned by Kirkby-born Thomas Ryder, has established itself as one of the fastest growing privately owned sports nutrition brands in Europe. It’s best-selling ABE workout products are stocked in hundreds UK gyms.

Its products are also sold in major high street retail outlets such as Holland & Barrett and the Co-op and are exported to around 70 countries worldwid.

Now the business, which operates its own manufacturing facility in Knowsley, is launching ABE Carbonated, a healthy lifestyle-orientated energy + performance beverage it believes will take the energy drink market by storm.

Said Thomas: “This project has been something we have been working on for more than two years and is something I am very proud of. I am incredibly excited to see the expansion of the UK’s best-selling pre-workout in a carbonated format.”

ABE Carbonated boasts zero sugar, zero calories, zero carbohydrates and has no artificial preservatives or colours – making it the perfect, guilt-free pick-me-up. However, it isn’t just any old energy drink… with 200mg of caffeine, B vitamins, Taurine, electrolytes and added citrulline for improved blood flow; ABE is the most fully-dosed fitness drink in the market.

Available in four flavours, ABE Carbonated comes in 330ml cans  and will be available for the UK, European and global market in the coming weeks.

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