Exclusive: Breakthrough in port dispute

A bitter pay dispute at the Port of Liverpool that has seen hundreds of workers stage multiple walkouts may be about to come to an end, LBN has learned. Tony McDonough reports

Workers at the Port of Liverpool may see their dispute settled shortly


A breakthrough in the bitter pay dispute at the Port of Liverpool that has seen hundreds of workers take strike action may be about to be resolved. 

LBN has learned that Peel Ports has agreed a settlement with at least one group of workers at the port. The company is in discussions with Unite union leaders and it is believed a resolution for all the workers could be reached in the next few days.

Almost 600 workers at the port are currently in the middle of a two-week walkout. Workers at the port first walked out for two weeks on September 19 and this was followed by a second one-week strike which ended on October 17.

Talks to resolve the dispute before the current walkout ended in confusion and a war of words. Port owner Peel Ports claimed that workers had rejected what they claim is an 11% pay offer.

However, Unite the union insists  workers were set to accept a deal proposed by port management but that it was pulled at the last minute by Peel Ports’ board.

Now LBN understands agreement has been reached with at least one section of the workforce at the port. Negotiations are continuing between Peel and Unite over a deal for the majority of the dock workers and LBN understands a resolution may be close.

LBN has contacted both Peel Ports and Unite for comment.

Last week Chris Shirling-Rooke, chief executive of industry body Mersey Maritime, warned big shipping lines could leave the Port of Liverpool for good if the dispute was not settled quickly.

He told LBN: “This untenable situation doesn’t just have an effect on the operations of the port itself, and the incredible work its employees do, but the many thousands of workers, their families, and hundreds of businesses in the supply chain in the North West.

“This is a supply chain that keeps us fed, fuelled and supplied. Don’t forget 95% of all of the UK’s supplies come by sea, not aeroplane or lorry. I’m not sure we really realise just how close we are to setting our region back decades from where it currently is.”

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