Liverpool charity highlights how it cares for the carers

There are more than 6.5m carers across the UK, often making sacrifices to ensure that the care of those closest to them is paramount, and Mytime offers those carers vital support. Tony McDonough reports

There are more than 6.5m carers across the UK, making sacrifices for their loved ones


Liverpool-based charity Mytime played a key role in National Carers Week, highlighting the vital and unpaid dedication of people looking after their loved ones.

There are more than 6.5m carers across the UK, often making sacrifices to ensure that the care of those closest to them is paramount.

A carer is anyone who cares unpaid for a friend or family member, who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Often they are stretched to the limit with the competing demands on their time and energy.

Demanding roles

So who cares for the carers when they are in need of support? Mytime is a project that aims to offer carers in the Liverpool city region a break from their demanding roles.

Cordinator Mo Austin explained: “We have a generous and committed group of hotels providing bed and breakfast to allow carers to take a much needed break.

“One carer said that one of the highlights for her was that she had a bath for the first time in years as her house had been adapted to cater for the person she cares for and they have a wet room.

“Another carer loved that he slept in a bed for the first time in months as he sleeps on the floor next to his mums bed as she requires support around the clock.”

Afternoon tea

Mo added that other businesses also provide afternoon tea, theatre tickets, city tours, meals out, to name but a few. which are great opportunities for carers who cannot take advantage of an overnight break due to their caring commitments.

“We would like to provide carers with a whole range of activities, no offer would be too small, too big or too unique,” she said.

As part of National Carers Week Mytime took part in a Liverpool Carers Centre Event at Shopmobility in St Johns Centre in Liverpool city centre. Mytime ran a stall during the week.

Throughout the week, carers also enjoyed afternoon tea, attending an event at the British Music Experience, who also offered carers discounts on drinks and tea and scones.

Mo added: “We also attended carer groups to spread the word about Mytime with particular reference to health and socialisation.

For more information about Mytime, click here.

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