Liverpool law firm launches ‘vacation’ scheme

Liverpool law firm Provenio Litigation launches ‘vacation’ scheme for prospective trainee solicitors

The team at law firm Provenio Litigation in Liverpool


Provenio Litigation in Liverpool is launching a scheme to offer work experience to prospective trainee solicitors.

Based in Exchange Flags, the law firm’s ‘vacation’ scheme is welcoming applications from penultimate-year law students and above, who have obtained, or are expected to obtain a qualifying undergraduate law degree.

They also welcome non-law graduates who have completed or are completing a post-graduate law conversion course.

During the course of the scheme, students will be assessed for a place on Provenio’s Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship programme. This would see them study for the Solicitors Qualifying Examinations (SQE 1 and SQE 2) with The University of Law.

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Mark Goodwin, founder and managing partner at Provenio, said: “Our new vacation scheme is a gateway to being considered for our Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship programme and, ultimately, a potential career with the firm.

“We have a clear strategy to grow our business by nurturing new talent and developing trainee solicitor apprentices.”

Provenio will run two five-day vacation schemes starting on June 19 and July 10. Click here for more information.

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