Made Smarter creates network of ‘Digital Champions’

Employees of Liverpool city region manufacturers that have been through the Made Smarter digitalisation programme to join peer-to-peer network to share their knowledge. Tony McDonough reports

Made Smarter North West launches the Digital Champions Network at the MTC in Liverpool


Made Smarter has helped a number of Liverpool city region manufacturers to introduce digital technology into their operations and now staff will be sharing what they have learned.

Launched in 2019, the Government-backed Made Smarter has engaged with 2,500 manufacturers, with hundreds receiving support through grant funding, impartial technology advice, leadership, and skills training to help transform their businesses.

Since then a number of manufacturers in Liverpool have joined the programme and now employees of those companies will join a new peer-to-peer network to accelerate digital adoption even further.

This new Digital Champions Network will include graduates of its Leading Digital Transformation and Leading Change for Digital Champions programmes.

It will connect those employees actively engaged in digitalisation, from the top floor to the shop floor, at different stages of technology adoption

 In-person and online events will be facilitated throughout the year to enable participants to share learning and experience, forging long-lasting connections.

A launch event, at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Liverpool, attracted North West businesses from across industries, including CNC Robotics, Palace Chemicals, JFM Workwear, and Majas Switchgear.

Ruth Hailwood, organisation development lead for the Made Smarter North West Adoption Programme, said: “The Digital Champions Network is an opportunity to build something sustainable by harnessing what a manufacturer learns.

“This approach means every member of the network can benefit from sharing experiences and new ideas, creating a bigger impact for their own business and for the SME manufacturing community in the region.

“Made Smarter’s activity has already created strong and impactful connections between cohort groups. Many have offered site visits to each other to demonstrate their practices and technologies, which have proved really valuable. 

“The Digital Champions Network is looking to extend these connections across the region to all manufacturers that engage with Made Smarter.”

READ MORE: Made Smarter secures extra £6.1m funding

Among those attending the Digital Champions Network launch was Max Barnett, sales and marketing engineer at CNC Robotics, a specialist in advanced machining applications.

He said: “The role of the digital champion is like an internal salesperson who advocates and communicates the changes a business needs to make to move forward.

“This network is a great idea which brings together people involved in digital change in their manufacturing businesses to encourage discussion and compare notes.”

To join the Digital Champions Network register at

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