Mersey businesses asked to ‘Give an Hour’ to inspire young people

Launched by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, the Give an Hour campaign is being jointly run with the Careers & Enterprise Company

The LEP has launched the ‘Give and Hour’ campaign to help young people in their careers


Businesses across Liverpool city region are being urged to ‘Give an Hour’ to young people to help them prepare for the world of work.

Launched by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the Give an Hour campaign is being jointly run with the Careers & Enterprise Company and say employers and employees can make a huge difference to peoples’ futures.

They say that in as little as one hour, organisations can help to transform a young person’s future by bringing to life different career opportunities and providing insight about the skills young people need to be work-ready and successful in the workplace.

Sally Beevers, careers hub lead at the LEP said: “This is a great opportunity for local business to help support our young people to establish their career path, prepare them for the world of work and raise their aspirations.

“Having businesses directly involved in careers education lessons brings local job opportunities to life and exposes career options they may have not otherwise considered.”

The Give an Hour campaign emphasises the importance of tapping into the career opportunities, skills and knowledge of businesses. Activities can include interview practice, mentoring or working with a teacher to bring a lesson to life.

Evidence shows that regular and meaningful engagement with employers while at school can significantly increase young people’s employment prospects and future earnings.*

Claudia Harris, chief executive of the Careers & Enterprise Company, added: “We know that hardworking small business really want to support young people in their local community but finding the time can be difficult.

“There are many ways to make a difference to a young person’s future – and with as little as one hour these dynamic small firms can help a young person discover more about the world of work and open up career paths they didn’t even know existed.”

Employers of all shapes and sizes are encouraged to click here to find out more and register to support a school or college in their area.

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