Mersey firms risk being left behind by ‘digital confusion’

Liverpool region manufacturers are at risk of being left behind if they hesitate to adopt digital technology, a Government-backed programme is warning. Tony McDonough reports

MTC Liverpool and Made Smarter combined to push the digital message earlier this year


Some manufacturers in Liverpool city region may find themselves “left behind” due to hesitancy and confusion around adopting digital technology.

This latest warning comes from Donna Edwards, director of the North West operations of the Government’s Made Smarter programme. This provides support to SMEs embarking on their digital journey.

Launched in 2019, Made Smarter has engaged with more than 2,500 manufacturers across the UK, with hundreds receiving support through grant funding, impartial technology advice, leadership, and skills training to help transform their businesses.

As of 2023 around 50 Liverpool city region-based businesses had benefited from the programme. They have secured a combined £1.1m towards 55 technology projects, worth £4m after £2.9m in private sector investment.

However, Donna warns that there are other businesses in the city region that are still reluctant to ‘go digital’. And she added that tackling change in the wrong way risks wasting time and money.

Made Smarter has launched a new white paper to help SMEs navigate the technology and skills adoption journey – Digital Transformation: A Made Smarter Roadmap for SME Manufacturers.

This free-to-download guide aims to help makers looking for a place to start, explaining the concepts and steps to a successful digital transformation.

Earlier this year the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Liverpool and Made Smarter joined forces to help manufacturers demystify the process of adopting digital technology with another guide…Made Smarter technologies: powering the digital transformation of SME manufacturers

According to Donna, businesses are hesitant to commit to change because they lack the confidence with technology and digital skills among leaders and employees.

“Ask a hundred SME manufacturing leaders what digital transformation means to them, and you’ll likely get a hundred different answers.

“But the common view is that it is daunting and confusing. SMEs, while aware of the benefits technology brings, lack the resources and skills to approach digital transformation in the right way.

“Many hesitate or become paralysed, risking being left behind, or wasting time, effort and money.”


Donna Edwards, director of Made Smarter’s North West Adoption programme


Crucially, the new guide explains the Made Smarter process, the services available, and showcases some of the hundreds of businesses who have benefited in the North West, the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, and the Midlands.

READ MORE: Made Smarter supports Mersey robotics firm

READ MORE: City region venture secures deal with global biotech

It also spotlights partner organisations who are also working with Made Smarter to help manufacturers digitalise and decarbonise including Make UK, Innovate UK, the Centre for People-Led Digitalisation, InterAct and the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub.

“The Made Smarter Adoption Programme is a tried and tested approach that offers businesses access to fully funded support so they can improve their understanding of what steps they need to take,” added Donna.

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