Networking Mums celebrate 3rd birthday

Beedoo is the proud sponsor of the Networking Mums 3rd birthday event, which will be held at Liverpool Central Library on Wednesday 29th July at 4pm.

Networking Mums is a support network run by Zoe Humphries, now in it’s third year. Zoe holds regular events in locations around the city and children are always welcome, in order to enable all women to meet and connect, whether it be for business, friendship, information, support or inspiration.

Zoe says:

“We are a friendly group who want to help each other achieve more, whilst sharing knowledge and contacts. We’ve been doing that successfully now for 3 years and we’ve grown the group significantly, but we still have big ambitions for the group to expand. We hope lots of you will come and say happy birthday to us and meet some fab people!

“I’m delighted that beedoo are sponsoring us and I’m sure Networking Mums will be a great platform for Lee to grow his business.”

Lee McMurray who set up beedoo, shares the idea of bringing people together to combine skills and interests as a way to help each other. In fact, those are the foundations that his business are built on. The new website is a portal that allows people to advertise their own skills, and others to recruit for jobs they might need doing around the home or at work. It is also a means to promote things people might do in their spare time, whether it be cake baking, card making or odd-jobbing, and potentially earn a little extra.

The concept is simple, anybody can join. Individuals register, enter details of what it is they either need or can offer and are matched to others who may require those services, or those who that can provide it.

Lee explains:

“There are so many people who have skills that are perhaps not being utilised fully, and there are also those that could be looking for a person with specific equipment, tools, skills or time to help them with a job or a project.

“ is designed to bring these people together so they can help each other. What I hope to do is to create a community online, similar to how we might once have called on our friends or neighbours to help get things done, whilst also giving people the chance to earn a little extra from their craft or skill.”

“I’m really looking forward to meeting everybody who is coming along to the Networking Mums event and think this is a great opportunity for us to share our concept with people with people who are obviously already vested in the idea of community building an helping each other out.”


You don’t need to be a mum to attend the event, everybody is welcome. Tickets are £16 for members, £20 for non-members and there will be tea coffee and food provided £16. Exhibitor tables can also be purchased for £35.

For more information or to register, please contact Zoe Humphries on 07739396954 or email

For more information on beedoo, visit

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