Peel plans Wirral Waters district heat network

With work on a district heat network for Liverpool Waters well under way Peel L&P is now looking to do the same thing across the Mersey at Wirral Waters. Tony McDonough reports

Peel L&P is planning a district heat network for Wirral Waters


Peel L&P has submitted a planning application to Wirral Council to build a district heat network (DHN) at Wirral Waters.

Plans for an energy centre and associated pipe network have  been submitted by ner-Vate, part of Peel Natural Resources and Energy (NRE), which itself is part of Peel L&P. The energy centre utilises water source heat pumps as the main heat source.

Work on a multi-million pound DHN at Liverpool Waters is already well under way. In January 2022 it secured £6.2m in Government funding to extend the network to the Three Graces – the Royal Liver Building, Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building.

With the development of Wirral Waters now advancing quickly Peel L&P wants to install a similar network on the ‘Left Bank’ of the Mersey. Forthcoming developments, including Vittoria Studios and West Float.

Ener-Vate specialises in the development of low carbon energy provision. This proposed energy network is in line with Wirral’s Development Plan and the Wirral Local Plan and is included in the Wirral Waters Sustainability Action Plan.

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It has also secured funding from the Government’s Green Heat Network Fund.

James Hadfield, strategic waters manager at Ener-Vate, said: “Sustainability and low carbon initiatives have always been at the heart of the regeneration of Wirral Waters.

“This planning application aims to realise those ambitions through the introduction of a low carbon heating source which will provide connectivity to both existing and future occupiers.”

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