Plan for Northern rail ‘in 100 days’ as Government takes control

On Sunday, March 1, the Department for Transport’s Operator of Last Resort took control of Northern’s network, which runs train services out of Liverpool Lime Street. Tony McDonough reports

Passengers have suffered years of chaos on Northern Rail


A plan to improve the Northern rail network will be delivered within 100 days as the Government takes control of the service.

On Sunday, March 1, the Department for Transport’s Operator of Last Resort took control of Northern’s network, which runs train services out of Liverpool Lime Street and across the North of England.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said passengers had “lost trust in the north’s rail network” following years of delays, cancellations and timetable chaos. Trains and buses giant Arriva has been running the service since 2016.

It is the biggest rail franchise in the UK by length of its route network and serves more than 500 stations. Last year it received a state subsidy of £763m, the largest on the country’s rail network.

Northern leaders from Manchester, Liverpool, Tees Valley and Yorkshire will join panel to advise new operator on priorities for new Northern franchise. The Operator will work with local leaders, industry and passenger representatives to deliver a plan for improvements after first 100 days

The government operator has launched a new panel to provide ongoing advice on how services will be run. Political leaders, including Andy Burnham from Manchester and Judith Blake from Leeds, will be joined by regional leaders, passenger representatives and industry leaders on the panel, which will be led by Richard George, the chairman of the operator.

Overcrowding on Northern’s network will be a priority focus for improvement, with new technology being trialled to identify crowding pinch points. Work is underway to extend platforms at 30 stations across the network to allow for longer trains and improve journeys for passengers.

Capacity will be further boosted with the roll-out of more electric trains across the network next year, in addition to the extra capacity already being delivered by the new fleet. A major deep cleaning programme has also commenced today, along with an overhaul of on-board cleanliness.

Mr George said: “By collaborating with local leaders, we’re taking a step towards reconnecting the railways with the people of the North. We need to improve performance and also provide passengers and their elected representatives with the confidence that their concerns are being addressed.”  

“The Transport Secretary has tasked the operator with delivering a new vision for the North’s railways, restoring confidence for passengers and delivering tangible improvements, but has made clear that the complexity of the challenge means transformation will not take place overnight.”

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