Police call for Impact Statements for Business

Police forces in the UK are highlighting the opportunity for businesses to complete an Impact Statement for Business (ISB), setting out the impact that a crime has had in respect of direct financial loss, operational disruption and reputational damage. Courts will take the ISB into account when determining sentence.


The process of producing an ISB also enables directors to understand and quantify the costs of crime for the business, and then evaluate the return on investment (ROI) from security protection and loss prevention counter measures as well as civil recovery proceedings, suggests Simon Chapman, managing director of security consultants Lodge Service.

The Impact Statement for Business (ISB) itemises areas where losses may have occurred – these include:

1. Direct financial losses: assets lost or stolen
2. Damage to buildings and property
3. Other, indirect financial costs: loss of custom; impact on consumer confidence; staff time; expenditure on security measures; medical expenses; costs of contractual staff
4. Non-Financial Impact including reputational damage and physical injuries sustained by staff or customers

This information can also be used for the preparation of Civil Recovery proceedings, which enables organisations to recoup losses through civil law remedies, says Simon Chapman.

This enables business owners to pursue compensation for associated investigation and management costs of Civil Recovery including: collecting witness statements; examining supporting data; reviewing CCTV footage; interviewing members of staff; and further investigations.

The remedy is useful if the Police decide not to act, says Simon Chapman, or the offender is issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, requiring no Court time. In which case there will probably be no compensation for commercial losses, or for the staff time and additional costs to the organisation.

For further information on security systems and services visit www.lodgeservice.com or email  info@lodgeservice.com

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