Small Business Saturday Bus Tour set to roll into Birkenhead

Small Business Saturday is an opportunity for small business owners to promote their brands and companies and also to encourage more people to shop locally all year round

Small Business Saturday is an opportunity for small business owners to promote their brands


The Small Business Saturday Bus Tour is rolling into Werburg Square in Birkenhead this Friday (October 26) promoting and highlighting many of Wirral’s independent businesses.

Small Business Saturday is an opportunity for small business owners to promote their brands and companies and also to encourage more people to shop locally all year round.

Birkenhead is the only town in Merseyside the bus is calling at on day two of the tour and the Birkenhead BID team is determined to make sure that our independents receive the recognition that they deserve.

The event will highlight the initiative culminating with Small Business Saturday on December 1, will take in 30 UK towns over the course of a month, and there is capacity for around 25 local businesses to take participate.

Each will each have the opportunity to be interviewed on the Small Business Saturday Sofa for Facebook Live feed, and additionally, Made in Liverpool will be visiting to cover the event on it TV channel.

Birkenhead BID is asking interested businesses to support the initiative and come along to Werburg Square in Birkenhead on Friday where Magical Circus will be offering some circus skills taster sessions.

Bala Croman (the original Chocolate Cellar) will be on hand with her Chocolate range, together with Popcats Music Time to provide music and movement.

Gemma Nichols, head of Birkenhead BID, said: “Birkenhead is home to many incredible independent businesses that have been around for many years. Many are second or third generation and have seen their customer base grow, change and are now serving the grandchildren of their original customers which is a fantastic legacy.

“Birkenhead BID is determined that our many businesses in Birkenhead and wider Wirral should be supported and celebrated, so we will be working in driving more footfall into the town in making it a more welcoming place for businesses n as their customers.”

Paula Basnett, chief executive of Wirral Chamber of Commerce, added: “Wirral Chamber champions businesses of all sizes and set-ups, and we recognise the importance that small and medium sized independent businesses play in keeping our high streets and business community thriving.”

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