Waterfront cities to gather in Liverpool this summer to impress potential international investors

This summer in Liverpool, cities from across the UK will have the opportunity to impress potential investors from around the world.

It was revealed this week that the inaugural UK Waterfront Cities Symposium is to take place on the first day of the Liverpool International Waterfront Forum (LIWF) on June 3 and 4.

The event will see representatives from Liverpool, Belfast, Bristol, Glasgow and Newport present to an invited audience of UK and international investors, developers and other businesses with a focus on cities.

Plans for the symposium are being announced at the Liverpool stand at the MIPIM international property and investment expo in Cannes.

LIWF is a global platform for waterfront cities to come together to discuss common themes and build stronger international alliances.

The forum, which was created in a partnership between Liverpool Waterfront Business Partnership and international consultancy Arup, will be held at the Cunard Building this year.

Sue Grindrod, chair of the Liverpool Waterfront Business Partnership said:

“The forum plays a significant role in attracting inward investment into the city, showcasing the Uncesco World Heritage waterfront as a vibrant place to invest and develop.

“There is also a part to play in positioning Liverpool among the global rankings of waterfront cities as an exciting place to do business.

“Liverpool has seen how investment in culture and place making has fostered growth.”

LWBP chair and chief executive of Liverpool Vision, Max Steinberg, welcomed the announcement:

“The cities selected to take part in the first UK Waterfront Symposium were chosen as they share a commonality, they each have ambition, a clear identity and shared experiences in the delivery of world class cultural and place-making enlivenment in a waterfront setting.”



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