Be In Birkenhead family festival takes place in Hamilton Square this week
Happening between 11:30am and 4pm on Thursday, July 26, the Be In Birkenhead event is organised by Birkenhead BID and supported by Wirral Council and a host of community organisations

Birkenhead BID’s free one-day family festival in the town’s historic Grade I-listed Hamilton Square returns this week
Taking place between 11:30am and 4pm on Thursday, July 26, the Be In Birkenhead event is organised by Birkenhead BID and supported by Wirral Council and a host of community organisations.
It celebrates everything that the town has to offer and kick starts the summer holidays for school children and their families.
Baby and toddler group Bounce and Rhyme will bring their interactive nursery rhymes and bouncing games for babies, toddlers and their parents to enjoy together and Wirral Play Council will be holding one of their summer playschemes with activities including sports, arts, crafts and games.
Staff and volunteers from The Hive Youth Zone will be offering a range of their activity sessions for older children and young adults to help educate and inspire but are also to generate fun. In celebrating its promotion.
Tranmere Rovers will be holding a pop-up soccer academy with skills workshops and training sessions, giving boys and girls the opportunity to train with professional youth coaches.

There will also be workshops offering different arts and crafts aimed at all ages. Each visitor to the festival will be invited to craft a poppy. Every poppy made will be put on display during the Wilfred Owen festival and 2018 Armistice Day celebrations which will mark the centenary since the end of WWI.
Visitors will be able to choose from a variety of tasty treats from some of Wirral’s very best food and drink stallholders and enjoy summer refreshments on the square.
Birkenhead BID will tell the story of the work it does within the local community through a section of fun and engaging street theatre performances… illustrating that it is helping to create a cleaner, more attractive, safe and securer place to live and do business.
Wirral Transport Museum’s lovingly restored vintage buses will once again be in attendance, this time, however, the ‘Birkenhead Blues’ will be picking-up passengers and taking them on a tour of Birkenhead with a pick–up and drop-off points in Hamilton Square, Europa Boulevard and Charing Cross.
Last year’s event attracted more than 4,000 visitors from across Wirral and the Liverpool city region, brought vibrancy and life to Hamilton Square, increased footfall and retail sales in the town centre and encouraged the local community to get involved.
Gemma Nichols, head of Birkenhead BID, said: “We are really pleased to bring back this wonderful family festival, last year the event was a great success and attracted huge numbers of visitors to the town
“This year we hope for even more people to join in the fun but also leave with a fresh appreciation of the hard work that has been going on to make the town cleaner, safer and more attractive.”