Birkenhead market traders report surge in home deliveries
As the coronavirus pandemic started to spread, Birkenhead market traders stepped up to provide home deliveries of essential fresh food to local communities and businesses. Tony McDonough reports

Birkenhead market traders are seeing a surge in demand as they switch to home delivery services.
As the coronavirus pandemic started to spread, Birkenhead market traders stepped up to provide home deliveries of essential fresh food to local communities and businesses in need. The market itself remains open with strict social distancing measures in place.
They’re now serving 300-500 customers each day with fresh fruit, veg, bread, fish and meat with even more calling for home deliveries. A local care home has also used the service after being told they can’t buy in bulk from a supermarket to feed their service users – but the market traders were happy to help.
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The stalls at the market have been receiving rave reviews from happy customers with one customer saying: “With most of us in the household vulnerable or disabled, I want to thank you for this service. It takes a big pressure off the family.’
Another added: ‘I really appreciate you doing this. I know how much you were struggling long before Covid-19. I hope everyone remembers who was there for them when they were in need and continues to support you when this is over.’
The country produce traders are still going strong and Wirral Council’s market manager, Robert Langer said “It’s been a tough time over the last few years for the market and we have been working hard to improve things since we brought it back under council control.
“We’ve invested heavily in the building itself but we’re also looking at how we can bring customers back into this famous Wirral landmark. I couldn’t be prouder of how the traders have come together, shown real initiative and made it work under trying circumstances. This can only bode well for the future.
“I want to reassure residents who are thinking of visiting the market for their fresh food, that we are taking social distancing and hygiene guidelines incredibly seriously to keep the public and traders safe at all times.
“However, if you’re self-isolating or shielding as per government guidance, please give our traders a call and use the free home delivery service.” To make an order, call:
- Fruit and Veg – 07966 274 295
- G & B white – 07746 124 530
- Malambs meats – 0151 666 2983
- Moneysworth (deli provisions) – 0151 647 3039
- Shelley’s Bread & Cakes – 07746 124 530
- Wards Fish – 0151 666 1842