City council pledges £500,000 for mental health
Projects across Liverpool are to share a £500,000 pot from the city council to tackle the mental health impact of the pandemic. Tony McDonough reports

Local voluntary, community and faith organisations across Liverpool are being handed a total of £500,000 to improve mental health and wellbeing in local communities.
Public Health Liverpool, the city council’s public health team, has earmarked the cash for 19 projects across the city as the pandemic continues to have a detrimental effect on the mental health of many people.
All the schemes are focused around four themes: isolation/loneliness, bereavement, welfare/debt and young people’s mental health. The applications were assessed by a range of health partners and are being administered by Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services (LCVS) and range between £15,000 and £30,000.
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They include counselling and therapy sessions for people of a wide range of ages and cultural backgrounds, and include workshops, group sessions and the use of art, laughter and cycling as therapy. The projects are:
Al-Ghazali Centre: Youth Mental Health Support Programme
Mental health workshops and activities for young people aged 12 to 18 years.
Autism Adventures Training CIC: My Mental Health- What’s OK?
Project aimed at people with autism to improve understanding of and break down barriers to mental health, as well as providing tools and strategies to manage emotions and feelings.
Compass Counselling Services: Community Counselling Service/Bereavement Support Programme
A counselling programme for people requiring support following bereavement, especially those who may not be able to access other services and require the continuity of support that Compass delivers.
Croxteth Gems Community Association: Taking Care of our Gems
Sessions for children & young people including; autism and ADHD-friendly yoga and meditation sessions and art therapy.
Granby Somali Women’s Group: GSWG Befriend Me
A social network where elderly Muslim and minority ethnic women will come together, exchange ideas, have interesting discussions and participate in a number of activities, which will alleviate their loneliness.
iiin community: Intergenerational Sustainable Skills Exchanges
Intergenerational learning project delivering sessions to bereaved and socially isolated older adults.
Imagine If Trust: The Zone Youth Hub
Fun, safe and active sessions for primary school aged children, providing a stimulating environment where children can thrive and grow in confidence.
Kindred Minds: Kindred Minds Arts on Prescription
Arts courses for people in need of mental health support, allowing them to meet new people and participate in a creative outlet.
Liverpool Arabic Centre: Your Safe Space
A culturally sensitive mental health support service, which combines Western and Arab/Muslim traditional therapies to provide support for people experiencing poor emotional and mental well-being due to financial hardship.
Liverpool Bereavement Service: Supporting younger people after loss or bereavement
Counselling sessions for children and young people who have suffered a loss or bereavement.
Norris Green Community Alliance: Mindful Communities
Men’s and women’s support groups with regular meetings, services and activities to reduce isolation and improve mental health.
Pagoda Arts: Post-Covid
Supporting the Chinese community post-covid and after an increase in race-related crime by providing a hub in which people can come together to socialise and feel safe out in the community again.
Peloton Liverpool: Joy Ride
A cycling club to support men in recovery, whilst providing an opportunity to socialise, exercise and build skills.
Priority Youth Project: Priority Youth Counselling Support Programme
A one-to-one counselling service for children and young people aged 8-19 years.
The Comedy Trust: Laughter After Loss
Workshops, drop-ins and discussion groups for adults following a bereavement, supporting their journey through the power of laughter.
The Vibe Liverpool: We’re Listening
A one-to-one listening service and group sessions with a focus on bereavement support.
Triple C Liverpool: Norris Green Debt Advice and Triple C Older Persons Project
Norris Green Debt Advice: Debt Advice Project providing a free, non-judgmental and confidential advice service with ongoing support for clients. Triple C Older Persons Project: Supporting older people who have been shielding during the pandemic.
Valley Community Theatre: Arts4Change
A range of arts activities and workshops for young people aged 8-25 aimed at addressing a rise in mental health issues due to COVID-19.
Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre: Income, Benefits, Debt & Bereavement Advice Service
Supporting and increasing the incomes of people living in poverty through free legal advice and representation, bereavement advice such as welfare benefits and housing and debt advice to those who have suffered a loss.
Cllr Frazer Lake, Cabinet Member with responsibility for public health, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has unquestionably had a detrimental effect on mental health and wellbeing in our communities.
“Having good mental health and wellbeing makes it easier to deal with the different physical and mental stresses and problems in life. It also supports our ability to fulfil our ambitions and dreams, to be more confident, have good relationships with other people and cope with life’s ups and downs.
“This pot of funding is designed to help support people with low-level needs, helping them at an early stage before a problem becomes a crisis.”