Former kick-boxing champion launches self-defence venture

John Bullock of Take A Stance has developed a programme based around Optimal performance in Knife Awareness designed to create more information for employers

Take A Stance
John Bullock helping Sea cadets in Liverpool with their self defence skills under the Take A Stance programme


A former British kick-boxing champion is using his passion of helping others defend themselves to grow a successful Merseyside business.

John Bullock of Take A Stance has developed a programme based around Optimal performance in Knife Awareness designed to create more information for employers of how to deal with threatening behaviour and defend themselves in a crisis. 

His initial client base has included community organisations with referrals now leading to potential opportunities with the emergency services and corporate business across the North West.

“Learning to cope in a supportive atmosphere where people enjoy the activities and discussions is key to the implementation of what we’re delivering,” said John. “We established very early on that our objectives were not to turn anyone into Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan. It’s very much a safety-first programme.”

‘Take A Stance’ derives its name from the importance of observation of the assailant, as John explained further: “Observing his or her body language and stance can often establish a route out or determine the method of attack by the aggressor, stacking the odds in your favour of a successful defence.

“Take A Stance is also very much about instilling confidence in a person’s ability to dissolve a crisis, using communication, both verbal & body language to control that crisis. On occasions, defence may mean contacting the police after quickly removing yourself from the situation.

“People will also learn how to defend a knife attack by controlling the weaponised limb and heavily restricting the aggressor’s ability.”

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