Leverhulme Estate lodges appeals after Wirral Council refuses permission for the building of 788 homes on the borough’s Green Belt. Tony McDonough reports

Leverhulme Estate says it will push on with plans to build 788 new homes on Green Belt land across Wirral despite eight planning applications being refused by Wirral Council.
It is lodging an appeal against the decisions saying the homes are “urgently needed” in Wirral. Under the proposals unveiled in 2022 Leverhulme wants to build homes, flats and bungalows, including 300 ‘affordable’ dwellings.
Wirral Council has turned down the eight applications. These include proposals for 788 new homes as well as a 56-acre park with 3.26km of footpaths. The council is yet to rule on another outline application – a plan for 240 homes in Greasby.
Nigel McGurk, Leverhulme’s head of land and planning, said: “Leverhulme is uniquely placed to be able to deliver the new homes that Wirral urgently requires and to deliver them in the most sustainable way.
“In delivering these developments, Leverhulme would ensure multiple other benefits in ways that no other proposal in Wirral can. They include the opening up of the countryside, the creation of new cycleways and footpaths and the enhancement of biodiversity and habitats.
“Crucially, our developments would stimulate essential economic growth across the Wirral – providing urgently needed homes, creating jobs and supporting services. They would serve to strengthen communities and promote wellbeing.
“We are disappointed that Wirral Council did not support our comprehensive, planned and unique solution to meeting Wirral’s needs in a way that provides for direct, ongoing reinvestment back into Wirral.”
In refusing planning consent, Wirral Council said the projects were inappropriate development for the Green Belt. It added there was insufficient evidence regarding the environmental impact of the schemes and not enough active travel provisions.
Leverhulme has submitted appeals for the following applications:
- A 0.82-hectare site located to the north of Gills Lane in Pensby, between Thorncroft Drive and Gills Lane Farm and stables. To provide up to 15 new homes.
- A 7.35-hectare site located to the north of Gills Lane in Pensby and to the west of Barnston Road. To provide up to 153 new homes.
- A 3.92-hectare site located a short distance from the local centre of Pensby Road, Pensby. It sits to the north of Gills Lane, between the existing residential streets of Dale View Close, Gwendoline Close and Thorncroft Drive. To provide up to 92 new homes.
- A 17.38-hectare site located to the north of Thingwall Drive, to the east of Glenwood Drive and to the west of Arrowe Park, Irby. To provide up to 290 new homes.
- A 3.60-hectare site located to the north of Raby Hall Road between the Autism Together complex and the residential neighbourhood on Blakeley Road at the edge of Bromborough. To provide up to 80 new homes.
- A 3.30-hectare site located to the north of Raby Hall Road, with built development proposed to the west of Raby Hall and a footpath link to the east. To provide up to 38 new homes.
- A 8.36-hectare site located to the west of Barnston Road and north of Milner Road within easy walking distance of Heswall town centre and Heswall railway station. To provide up to 120 new homes.
- A 22.6-hectare Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) west of Barnston Road.