Liverpool law firm Brabners launches foundation to support charities
Brabners Foundation is a registered charity with the remit of supporting community organisations and other charities in Merseyside and across the North West. Tony McDonough reports

Liverpool law firm Brabners has launched a new grant-making foundation to support charities and not-for-profit organisations.
The newly established Brabners Foundation is a registered charity with the remit of supporting community organisations and other charities in Merseyside and across the North West through corporate fundraising.
The foundation will be run entirely by Brabners employees, based in Liverpool, Manchester and Preston, and twice a year provide a series of individual grants of up to £5,000 for specific projects and initiatives.
Dating back to 1815, Brabners is one of the North West’s fastest-growing law firms. It latest full year results, for the 12 months to April 2018, showed a 13% rise in fee income to £33.1m with profit up 11% to £10.6m. Now it wants to used that profile and its 375 staff to raise funds to help communities across the region.
Charities eligible for support will be nominated by Brabners employees, with five organisations already confirmed as beneficiaries of the first round of funding this autumn. They include the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, bereavement charity Sunflowers and Liverpool Cares, an organisation focused on reducing loneliness and isolation in the community.
The foundation is kicking off its autumn fundraising activity with the inaugural ‘Brabners 48-hour Dash’, a challenge which will see five teams compete to travel the greatest distance away from Brabners’ Liverpool office over the weekend of 28-29 September.
Other major fundraising initiatives already in place include The Brabners Charity Challenge (a Lake District outdoor adventure challenge which raised over £7,000 earlier this year), payroll giving, Ladies Afternoon Tea and the Apprentice-style Big Idea Challenge.
Robert White, chief executive at Brabners and chair of The Brabners Foundation, said: “Brabners has a long and successful history of charitable giving and the level of fundraising has more than doubled in the last 12 months.
“The launch of The Brabners Foundation means that, alongside that increase, we will now have even more flexibility to support a much wider range of charities that are close to our people’s hearts. We’ve raised more than a quarter of a million pounds in the last decade but we know we can do more in the future.”
Click here to donate to the Brabners Foundation