Mersey medical group secures funds for expansion
TCG Medical offers GP services to more than 75,000 patients across 11 GP practices in Liverpool, Southport and Wirral and with funding from Lloyds will now purchase a Southport site

A Merseyside medical group is expanding its services for patients after purchasing the premises at its Southport surgery, with support from Lloyds Bank.
TCG Medical provides care for more than 75,000 patients across 11 GP practices in areas including Liverpool, Southport and the Wirral. The group has now secured a seven-figure funding package from Lloyds Bank
This will enabling it to purchase the site of St Mark’s Medical Centre and Trinity Practice, a health centre and GP surgery the group has operated since 2016. It is based within a Grade II-listed former Methodist church in Southport, dating back to 1901 when it was donated by Christiana Hartley, of the Hartley Jam Company.
TCG Medical has already begun plans to expand patient services and improve facilities at the medical centre this year. This will include the addition of a number of new state-of-the-art treatment rooms and a minor surgery operating theatre, alongside an upgraded reception and waiting areas, and improvements to accessibility.
The group will also be investing in improved energy efficiency measures reducing the carbon footprint of the building.
TCG Medical, which was formed by a group of clinical and business leaders in 2013, employs more than 500 clinical, administrative and support staff. Following the investment, the group is forecasting growth of 12% and the creation of six new clinical roles at St Mark’s Medical Centre and Trinity Practice.
Eric Balki, chief executive at TCG Medical Services, said: “Our patient’s interests are at the heart of everything we do and already the practice has been acknowledged as being outstanding in several areas by the CQC.
“The decision to purchase the premises at St Mark’s Medical Centre and Trinity Practice will allow us to continue catering to our growing patient list, while also upgrading our facilities and expanding our clinical resources.”
Ian Anderson, relationship manager at Lloyds Bank, added: “TCG Medical is an innovative medical group that places its patient’s needs first. By investing in the premises at St Mark’s Medical Centre and Trinity Practice, TCG Medical can ensure that people across the area will continue to receive the highest possible standard of care.”