Ridge looks to deliver zip wire attraction plan for Liverpool
In a plan dismissed as “barmy” by one city councillor, established operator Zip World aims to carry thrill-seekers from the Radio City Tower to the roof terrace at Central Library. Tony McDonough reports

Construction consultancy Ridge and Partners has been tasked with turning plans for a a zip wire from the top of Liverpool’s Radio City Tower to the roof terrace at the city’s Central Library into reality.
Zip World, a company that already operates three zip wires attractions in North Wales, has submitted a planning application for the attraction that would carry thrill-seekers along the 450 foot-long wire, 460 feet in the air.
However, the plan is already facing opposition. When the application went in a few weeks ago, local Labour councillor Nick Small said he would object to the idea. The zip wire would travel over John’s Gardens and Cllr Small said: “This is a barmy idea. St John’s Gardens is an oasis of calm in the city centre.”
A temporary zip wire proved a hit with people in Liverpool when it was installed for short periods in Church Street in 2017 and 2018. However, the Zip World attraction would be permanent.
Ridge partner Chris Bradburn called the proposal “a very simple concept”. He added: “You string a wire between two points, strap in your clients and send them on their way. In practice it’s actually a feat of engineering and mechanical planning.
“There are two riders in tandem and they’re travelling at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. Part of the thrill lies in the G-forces involved in slowing them down towards the end of the ride.”
The project will include client bar and spectator viewing areas in the Radio City Tower, for which Ridge has been tasked with designing the complete mechanical and electrical infrastructure. It will be the first permanent urban zip wire anywhere in the UK should it secure approval.