Euro e-scooter operator to use Liverpool safety app

Busby was launched in Liverpool in November 2019 by Barry Green, James Duffy and Kirk Ryan to improve safety for cyclists and will not be utilised by e-scooter operator TIER. Tony McDonough reports

Busby founders Kirk Ryan, Barry Green and James Duffy


Road safety app Busby is partnering up with global e-scooter hits operator TIER to create rapid response system for riders involved in incidents.

Busby was launched in Liverpool in November 2019 by friends Barry Green, James Duffy and Kirk Ryan to improve safety for cyclists. The app works with the sensors in your phone.

If a user is involved in an incident on the road the app will begin a 30-second countdown to move or respond. If there is no movement or response their exact location is sent to emergency contacts so help can arrive quickly. Busby’s app has been downloaded by tens of thousands of people in more than 85 countries.

Based in Berlin in Germany, TIER hires out e-scooters in 60 cities across nine countries and launched in the UK in 2020. Under the partnership, Busby has created a rapid response system for riders involved in incidents on the road.

The feature is the latest in a series of initiatives introduced by TIER to improve safety standards and protection for riders and other road users. Alongside the primary purpose of the app, the partnership offers several other features.

These include the Busby Flare, which allows riders to contact nearby users or repair shops in the event of needing assistance while out on the road. TIER users will also be connected to Busby’s RoadRadar feature, which sends an audible notification to nearby vehicle drivers (who use the Busby app) that a TIER rider is close to them, encouraging the driver to take extra care.

The partnership will also see Busby share its anonymous data with TIER on routes that have been identified as more hazardous. This data will support TIER’s decision-making on recommended routes to riders and ensure that danger zones, such as areas with potholes, are avoided.

Busby and TIER will also share this data with local government and other authorities  to help identify required road improvements.  The partnership comes just two months after TIER launched its UK & Ireland Safety Board, with independent experts meeting regularly with the aim of raising the bar for safety standards across the e-scooter sector. 

Fred Jones, TIER general manager, UK and Ireland said: “Safety is at the heart of everything we do at TIER and we are constantly working on new features, and looking for industry-leading partners, which can offer more protection for our riders.

“It is fantastic to be partnering with Busby and it means that our riders can have the peace of mind that they will get rapid assistance in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.”

Kirk Ryan, co-founder and commercial director of Busby, added: “Every year there are tens of thousands of incidents involving cyclists on the UK’s roads. As electric scooters become more prevalent in the UK, and across the world, we want people to be as safe as possible when riding.

“We’re excited about partnering with Tier to help make their riders and the roads safer for everyone. We’ve worked closely together and are confident that our partnership will help protect people worldwide.”

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