Solar demand hits all-time high, says Mersey firm

Sky-high energy bills and the push to net zero sees interest in solar panels rise tenfold at Merseyside firm which is predicting £50m of work in the next five years. Tony McDonough reports

Demand for solar panels is soaring, according to Shawton Energy


Merseyside rooftop solar power specialist Shawton Energy says rising energy bills and the push for decarbonisation has sent enquiries soaring tenfold.

Shawton, based in Newton-Le-Willows, says it expects to deliver more than £50m of solar projects over the next five years. It has partnered up with low carbon fund manager Iona Capital.

With more than 20 years of experience, Shawton’s team designs, constructs, operates and maintains green energy projects for businesses. Managing director Jamie Shaw says there is now a clamour from industrial and commercial businesses who want to install solar power.

“Over the past two years, we have developed a significant number of solar, battery and renewable energy projects. We now have a proven record that is attracting companies nationwide.

“Now more than ever, businesses need assurance that their energy bills aren’t going to go through the roof. By installing Solar PV through our joint venture with Iona Capital, businesses are able to see financial savings from day one and gain protection from future price rises.”

Jamie is also the founder of a separate business, Shawton Telecoms & Utilities. In early August LBN reported how the business had gone from fewer than 10 people to more than 200 employees in its first year.

In May 2019, the Committee on Climate Change recommended that the UK should aim to be net zero on all greenhouse gases by 2050. The built environment contributes around 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint. While new buildings are more efficient, they can still improve their thermal efficiency.

But with 80% of 2050’s buildings already built, Shawton Energy believes that decarbonising existing buildings – both domestic and non-domestic – needs to remain a major focus.

Jamie added: “Iona Capital’s investment and our partnership with them gives us a strong platform to grow our business in a buoyant period for the renewable sector, in particular private wire connections.

“Together we can provide funding, turnkey installations and operations and maintenance, which makes us a strong collaboration.”

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