Company has also submitted a planning application for the 1.3 acre site on Crown Street on the edge of the city’s Knowledge Quarter which it acquired earlier this summer. Tony McDonough reports

Prolific Liverpool developer Elliot Group is acquiring another half-acre site overlooking Queen’s Dock close to the waterfront.
And the company has also submitted a planning application for the 1.3 acre site on Crown Street on the edge of the city’s Knowledge Quarter which it acquired earlier this summer.
That scheme will provide 106 key worker homes and 182 student bedrooms across two blocks, rising up to six storeys and fronting Crown Street and Falkner Street. The development has been designed by Falconer Chester Hall with Zerum acting as planning consultants.
The new acquisition is for a site in Bridgewater Street owned by electrical distributor Eyre & Elliston. Elliot Group has exchanged contracts with the firm, which is believed to be relocating elsewhere in the city, and completion is expected in November.
The plot is adjacent to three Elliot Group developments on Norfolk Street, the latest of which – a hotel for Liverpool-based EPIC Hotels – is now on site. The company says it is “assessing its options” for the site, including possible employment space to accommodate unmet demand in the area from tech and creative employers.
Elliot Lawless of Elliot Group said: “The complexion of Baltic keeps changing as companies grow and new attractions are added or expand. Plus, there’s a growing residential population to accommodate so the range of potential uses on the site is greater than it might have been, say, eighteen months ago.”