Local tech company secures MSIF funding for development

The Merseyside Special Investment Fund (MSIF) has confirmed that they will be financially backing a local business that has developed secure electronic signatures.



E-Sign (UK) Ltd was founded by Tom Taylor and has received a trio of loans from MSIF for a total of £16,500 to go towards developing the business, which creates a unique identity which is stored securely online and can be used to sign documents with participating businesses.

An investment package was created by MSIF using money from the Start Up Loans Programme and Regional Growth Fund to support E-Sign, which expects turnover to reach £100,000 in 2014.

Tom Taylor said:

“I came up with the idea when I was going through a claim in relation to a road traffic accident. The number of times I had to go into my solicitors to sign documents was really time consuming. I literally one day woke up with the idea and took it from there.

“The business has really taken off and we now have clients all over the world and I recently took on seven staff. I needed to put a management team in place to give me the time to work on business development and I have also brought in a couple of developers.

“I am now looking at expanding the business further and looking at ways to tap into new markets.”

MSIF investment manager Chris Walters, added:

“E-Sign is a really innovative idea and there are some very exciting opportunities for the business. We are really pleased to be supporting Tom through the next phase in the company’s development.”

Source: Insider Media

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