Warrington begins consultation on the launch of a town centre BID
A BID empowers businesses to undertake activities, projects and services that will make a town centre more economically vibrant, safer, cleaner and greener and is funded by a levy on top of business rates

A consultation has started this week inviting Warrington town centre businesses to submit and discuss their views on the setting up of a Business Improvement District (BID) for the town centre
The consultation is being run by the Warrington BID Business Team headed by Dawn Smyth, manager of the local Primark store.
The plans for a possible BID have been drawn up by a representative group of town centre businesses led by Ms Smyth and Groundwork to look at the feasibility of such a proposal.
A BID empowers businesses to undertake activities, projects and services that will make a town centre more economically vibrant, safer, cleaner and greener. It is funded by an extra levy on top of business rates.
More than 200 city and town centres across the UK have chosen to implement successful BIDs since 2005. Local very successful examples of BID’s that are making an active, visible impact include those in Liverpool, Birkenhead, Southport Manchester and Chester.
Town centre businesses are actively encouraged to attend one of the consultations taking place at:
- Pyramid, Palmyra Square on December 4, 12.30 – 1.30
- The Base, Dallam Lane on December 5, 12.00 – 1.00
- Golden Square management suite December 6, 12.00, 1.30 and 3.00 and December 7, 10.00, 12.00, 1.30 and 3.00
Further information and the proposal can be obtained from the website www.warringtonbid.co.uk along with a feedback form. Comments and feedback are required by December 11.
Ms Smyth said: “I would encourage all businesses to contribute and discuss the proposals for the BID which I sincerely believe will make a huge difference to our town centre ”