Contractor Whitfield & Brown has started work on an £8.3m scheme to build 50 new homes for rent. Tony McDonough reports

Work has started on a development of 50 homes for rent in Skelmersdale.
Tawd Valley Developments (TVD), which is owned by the West Lancashire Council, secured planning consent for the scheme in October 2021. Contractors Whitfield & Brown have started preparation work on the site.
Hoardings have gone up around the site on Fairlie in Birch Green in preparation for the delivery of a mix of semi-detached and terraced houses. The project will also include two-storey apartments and bungalows.
“This is our largest and most challenging scheme to date. It will make a significant difference to the quality of life of residents when the homes are completed,” said TVD’s managing director Mark Kitts.
“Our focus is on delivering high-quality, energy-efficient homes that suit the needs of different members of the community. This is why there are a mix of housing types in the development. There’ll also be wider improvements as part of the development, including enhanced pavements and a new access road with additional residents’ parking.”
The low-energy homes will benefit from dual zone heating, double-glazing and electric car charge points. First phase of works will see infrastructure such as the access road, groundworks and drainage. Construction is expected to last 12 months.
Cllr Yvonne Gagen, leader of West Lancashire Council, added: “This development will deliver new and much-needed homes to our residents. The combination of types of housing available will bring together different generations.”
The development has been designed by John McCall Architects. ARP is providing civil and structural engineering advice.