Seasoned traveller sets up venture offering the ‘essential backpacking kit’ for gap year travellers

Liverpool entrepreneur and experienced traveller Ian Lowe started selling Pro Packer late last year – it contains 19 must-have utility and safety items for young travellers. Tony McDonough reports.

Pro Packer founder Ian Lowe on one of his many trips overseas

Every year an ever-increasing number of young people decide to go travelling for the first time.

However, amid the excitement of a gap year trip, they don’t always plan and prepare as well as they might.

Now Liverpool entrepreneur and experienced backpacker Ian Lowe has launched a venture selling what he described as the “essential backpacking kit”.

The Pro Packer pack features 19 must-have utility and safety items that regularly appear on packing lists.

All items are acquired by the Pro Packer team and are shipped together in a branded box at one price – currently £54.99 with free standard shipping.

The 19 items are: combination padlock; universal travel adaptor; large quick-drying towel; 100ml DEET mosquito repellent; inflatable neck pillow; plastic clip-together cutlery set; HSE compliant first aid kit; headphone splitter; ear plugs; 10m duct tape; LED magnetic torch with hook (batteries not included); sleeping bag liner; mosquito plug (including 10 tablets); money belt; 100ml antibacterial hand gel; re-usable poncho; folding travel mirror; sewing kit; and Pro Packer notebook and pen.

Pro Packer was launched late last year and Ian says business is already picking up.

The 19 ‘essential backpacking kit’ items in the Pro Packer

He told YBNews: “Organising a big backpacking trip can be daunting.

“People often find themselves working long hours to save money and then have to worry about injections, insurance, visas, accommodation and the fluctuating prices of flights.

“I want to help take away at least part of the burden.”

Ian has identified three distinct markets for his product: Parents whose child is about to go travelling; a young person going on their first gap year trip; and someone who knows what they need but doesn’t have the time to go out and get it.

He added: “I have backpacked for many years and I have made packing errors. I have taken too much and I have taken too little.

“I have overpaid for essential items and I have been unable to get certain essential items while on the road.

“All of the items included in the Pro Packer Essential Backpacking Kit have been selected based on my experience.

“The kit contains high quality, market-leading products, which are durable, lightweight and compact – everything I wished I’d taken with me on my first big overseas trip.”

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